Bart Vanneste
Journal Articles
Vanneste B.S., Puranam P. (2024), Artificial intelligence, trust, and perceptions of agency, Academy of Management Review, Forthcoming. (here)
Zohrehvand A., Doshi A.R., Vanneste B.S. (2023), Generalizing event studies using synthetic controls: An application to the Dollar Tree–Family Dollar acquisition, Long Range Planning, Forthcoming. (here)
Vanneste B.S., Gulati R. (2022), Generalized trust, external sourcing, and firm performance in economic downturns, Organization Science, 33(4): 1599–1619. (here)
Vanneste B.S., Yoo O. (2020), The performance of trust-based governance, Journal of Organization Design, 9: 14. (here)
Vanneste B.S. (2017), How much do industry, corporation, and business matter, really? A meta-analysis, Strategy Science, 2(2): 121-139. (here)
Vanneste B.S. (2016), From interpersonal to interorganizational trust: The role of indirect reciprocity, Journal of Trust Research, 6(1): 7-36. (here)
Vanneste B.S., Puranam P., Kretschmer T. (2014), Trust over time in exchange relationships: Meta-analysis and theory, Strategic Management Journal, 35(12): 1891-1902. (here)
Vanneste B.S., Frank D.H. (2014), Forgiveness in vertical relationships: Incentive and termination effects, Organization Science, 25(6): 1807-1822. (here)
Vanneste B.S., Puranam P. (2010), Repeated interactions and contractual detail: Identifying the learning effect, Organization Science, 21(1): 186-201. (here)
Puranam P., Vanneste B.S. (2009), Trust and governance: Untangling a tangled web, Academy of Management Review, 34(1): 11-31. (here)
Book Chapters
Kretschmer T. & Vanneste B.S. (2017), Collaboration in Strategic Alliances: Cooperation and Coordination, in Collaborative Strategy: A Guide to Strategic Alliances, Mesquita L., Ragozzino R. & Reuer J. (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing (here)
Working Papers
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